
Porters Park Golf Club

1.      OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18.2)

a)Beyond any boundary fence or hedge, or line of white stakes.

b)The course-side edge of the artificially paved/surfaced areas and the walls/sleepers around the clubhouse.

2.      PENALTY AREAS (Rule 17)

a)      Penalty Areas are defined by Yellow/Red lines and/or stakes. When both stakes and lines are used, the line defines the margin of the Penalty Area.

b)When playing the 5th hole, the red Penalty Area on the left is defined on one side only and extends to infinity.


a)      All artificially surfaced roads and paths.

b)All buildings, sheds, and shelters.

c)Lifebuoys and their supporting posts are Immovable Obstructions.

d)GUR areas are encircled by a white line or, with posts and ropes.

e)Sand filled drainage channels marked with white lines and/or a GUR sign.

f)Tractor ruts are not GUR unless explicitly marked as such.

g)Fixed sprinkler heads and irrigation covers.

When a ball lies in the General Area, free relief may be taken under Rule 16.1b if an Immovable Obstruction is on the player's line of play, is within two club lengths of the Putting Green and is within two club-lengths of the ball.


4.NO PLAY ZONES (NPZs) (Rule 2.4)

a)      Barn between 4th & 15th holes and the area within the surrounding fence posts.

b)Young trees/shrubs identified by stakes or protected by wire or plastic guards. This does not include the shrubs forming the hedge on the left of the 13th hole.

c)A bridge that has been closed off.

d)Any area of GUR that is marked as NPZ.

Free relief must be taken from any interference by a No Play Zone under Rule 16.1f or, if within a Penalty Area, Rule 17.1e.


a)      The Icehouse on the 3rd hole.


Practice is permitted before and between rounds (5.2b) and while play is suspended (5.5c):

a)      On the Putting Green in front of the clubhouse.

b)      On the chipping green and chipping area between the 1st and 7th fairways.

c)Between the 8th green and the 11th fairway.

d)Left of the 17th fairway.


a)      Immediate stop for imminent danger - one prolonged note of a siren.

Stop for a non-dangerous situation - three consecutive notes of a siren.
Resumption of play - two consecutive notes of a siren.

Fairway yardage discs are to the centre of the green:

Yellow = 150 yards, Red = 100 yards


The following local rules are active when a "Winter Rules" notice is displayed on the 1st or 10th tees.

Preferred Lies

When a ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, free relief may be taken once by placing a ball in the general area not nearer the hole than and within 6 inches of the original ball's spot (Model Local Rule E-3). The ball may be cleaned when lifted.

Ball Deflected by Traffic Directing Posts or Ropes

Posts and ropes used to direct trollies and buggies around the green are to be treated as Movable Obstructions (see Rule 15.2) or Immovable Obstructions (see Rule 16.1) at the discretion of the player.

If it is known or virtually certain that a player's ball hit a post/rope the stroke does not count and the player must play a ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made.

Relief from Aeration Holes

If a player's ball lies in or touches an aeration hole on the putting green, free relief may be taken under Rule 16.1d.

Status of Putting Green When Temporary Putting Green Is Used

Any putting green that has been replaced by a temporary putting green is a wrong green and free relief for interference must be taken under Rule 13.1f.

Status of Temporary Putting Green When Not In Use

A temporary putting green that is not currently being used is part of the general area, and is not a wrong green, so there is no explicit relief from it. The hole on the temporary green is GUR from which relief is permitted under 16.1b.


Fairway yardage discs are to the centre of the green:

Yellow = 150 yards, Red = 100 yards

PIN Positions: Red = Front, Yellow = Middle, White = Back

1.      OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18.2)

a)Beyond any boundary fence or hedge, or line of white stakes.

b)The course-side edge of the artificially paved/surfaced areas and the walls/sleepers around the clubhouse.

2.      PENALTY AREAS (Rule 17)

a)      Penalty Areas are defined by Yellow/Red lines and/or stakes. When both stakes and lines are used, the line defines the margin of the Penalty Area.

b)When playing the 5th hole, the red Penalty Area on the left is defined on one side only and extends to infinity.


a)      All artificially surfaced roads and paths.

b)All buildings, sheds, and shelters.

c)Lifebuoys and their supporting posts are Immovable Obstructions.

d)GUR areas are encircled by a white line or, with posts and ropes.

e)Sand filled drainage channels marked with white lines and/or a GUR sign.

f)Tractor ruts are not GUR unless explicitly marked as such.

g)Fixed sprinkler heads and irrigation covers.

When a ball lies in the General Area, free relief may be taken under Rule 16.1b if an Immovable Obstruction is on the player's line of play, is within two club lengths of the Putting Green and is within two club-lengths of the ball.


4.NO PLAY ZONES (NPZs) (Rule 2.4)

a)      Barn between 4th & 15th holes and the area within the surrounding fence posts.

b)Young trees/shrubs identified by stakes or protected by wire or plastic guards. This does not include the shrubs forming the hedge on the left of the 13th hole.

c)A bridge that has been closed off.

d)Any area of GUR that is marked as NPZ.

Free relief must be taken from any interference by a No Play Zone under Rule 16.1f or, if within a Penalty Area, Rule 17.1e.


a)      The Icehouse on the 3rd hole.


Practice is permitted before and between rounds (5.2b) and while play is suspended (5.5c):

a)      On the Putting Green in front of the clubhouse.

b)      On the chipping green and chipping area between the 1st and 7th fairways.

c)Between the 8th green and the 11th fairway.

d)Left of the 17th fairway.


a)      Immediate stop for imminent danger - one prolonged note of a siren.

Stop for a non-dangerous situation - three consecutive notes of a siren.
Resumption of play - two consecutive notes of a siren.

Fairway yardage discs are to the centre of the green:

Yellow = 150 yards, Red = 100 yards



Telephone: 01923 854 127 | Email:    | Address: Shenley Hill, Radlett , Hertfordshire WD7 7AZ

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